Saturday, October 11, 2008

Protecting our Families

A friend inspired me to write a few of my own thoughts on the soon-to-be-voted-on Prop 8 in California. Thanks, Brigitte! If you're not familiar with what it is, please visit the website Paul is from California and we lived there for a couple years and so we know several people who will be voting. Paul's father was made chairman over his stake and has four thousand "Vote YES on Prop 8" signs in his yard, waiting to be handed out! There are so many members of the church working vigilantly to help make sure that we have as many supporters as possible. Some of you might ask why it's so important that we're educated on this and why we need support. Well, I absolutely have a firm testimony that marriage is between a man and a woman. And now it's being threatened. California has already changed the definition (marriage is between same genders now in California) and now the residents of California have a chance to restore the definition to it's correct form. The reason this means anything to us is because California is a very large, ifluencial state and if it does not pass, many are afraid that other states will follow suit in changing the definition of marriage. Why such a big deal you ask? Well, in our religion we teach (and know!) marriage to be strictly between man and woman. Put that up against a new legal definition and we become pegged as "discriminant". It threatens our temples marriages and what we teach our children. There are several more issues as to why this is so important and if you'd like to know more just visit the website. So if you have any sway with someone if California whether it be friend or foe - please ask them to vote YES, YES, YES on Prop 8!

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